3 municipalities in Vysočina see success in subsidies for brownfield redevelopment

9 January 2023

Three municipalities in the Vysočina region have succeeded in their applications for subsidies for the repair of unused real estate, the so-called brownfields. Světlá nad Sázavou in the Havlíčkův Brod region could draw 36 million crowns for the reconstruction of a building near a swimming pool built in the 1980s near Sázava, which failed to become operational. Herálec in the Žďár region will use the subsidy to reconstruct a house that will house flats and services, while Valeč in the Třebíč region will use it to reconstruct a century-old sokolovna., it was announced in today’s report of the Ministry of Industry and Trade and from the mayors.

The buildings will be renovated to make them more energy-efficient and the town hall is also counting on installing heat pumps and photovoltaic panels.

The town hall in Světlá nad Sázavou would like to renovate the building by the former outdoor swimming pool so that it can also provide facilities for a planned swimming biotope. The project, worth more than CZK 70 million, can receive CZK 36 million from the subsidy programme. The building would also house a restaurant with a bowling alley and a clubhouse for the local Junák.

Světel mayor František Aubrecht (non-party) indicated that the project does not include a bathing biotope, which would be another costly construction. He said town councillors would still debate the plan. “Considering what the price development is now in all areas, especially in terms of energy for the city’s organisations, contributory organisations, we still have to do such an audit to see how the total investment would work out,” he said.

Herálec in the Žďár region will repair house number 91 with the help of a subsidy, and the municipality is now selecting a contractor for the construction, which is expected to cost over CZK 22 million. The mayor Zdeněk Gregor (non-party) said, “The building will house three rental apartments and a butcher’s shop with a cafeteria and another service establishment on the ground floor, which the municipality is still negotiating. The building will receive a subsidy of CZK 18.8 million.”

Herálec, which has 1,300 inhabitants, also wanted money from the same subsidy programme to renovate another unused house, where the municipality would like to have a pub, a meeting place and a municipal museum in the attic. According to the mayor, the municipality’s management will consider whether to go ahead with this construction without the grant.

In Valč, in the Třebíč region, the subsidy will help with the reconstruction of the sokolovna, which will then house a multifunctional hall and a hospitality centre. The village of 850 inhabitants now has no facilities of its own for balls and other meetings, according to Mayor Romana Nováková (non-partisan). The renovated hall should also be used for exercises. The municipality will receive a CZK 23.2 million subsidy for the event with eligible costs of CZK 33 million.

In the subsidy programme “Regeneration of brownfields for business use”, the committee evaluated 35 municipal projects and 21 projects with a total cost of over CZK 900 million were successful. “This year we had to take energy savings and the use of renewable energy sources into account when selecting projects, which is very important in the current energy crisis,” said Minister of Industry and Trade Jozef Síkela (for STAN) in a press release. The successful applicants will share CZK 524 million.

Source: CTK

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