Rent in Bohumín city flats will not increase, but utility deposits will rise

29 November 2022

Bohumín in the Karviná Region will not increase rents in its apartments from the new year. However, the rise in energy prices will be reflected in an increase in heat and electricity bills. Most of the city’s flats are connected to the central heat supply, however, and the increase should not be significant. Tenants will pay a few hundred crowns extra. Jana Končítková, a spokeswoman for the town hall, told journalists today.

“Based on a series of joint negotiations with the heat supplier, we have come to the conclusion that this winter should not be financially dramatic for the residents of our city flats, which is basically a miracle compared to other cities. We know of cases from other localities where people in rented flats are paying three or four times more than before,” said Mayor Petr Vícha (ČSSD).

According to him, the town has secured a favourable supply of heat from the dětmarovice power plant to its flats, based on a concession agreement valid until 2030. In addition to a slight increase in the price of heat, the adjustment of utility bills will also reflect an increase in the price of electricity, for which Bohumín will pay 100 percent more from January.

“For tenants, this means higher advances for lighting common areas and the use of the elevator if it is part of the apartment building. “A family of four living in a 3+1 city apartment connected to the central heating supply will end up paying an average of CZK 600 more per month in deposits than before,” Končítková said.

According to Kateřina Pálková, head of the Housing Management Department, most tenants already have their deposits set up for overpayments. “This year we have returned overpayments to more than 3,500 households, while we have registered underpayments in 900 housing units,” said Kateřina Pálková, head of the Housing Management Department at Bohumín City Hall.

The municipal housing stock, which has 4,260 flats, includes 250 flats that are heated by gas boilers. “These are flats in smaller houses located outside the centre of Bohumín, for example in Staré Bohumín, Vrbice or Pudlová. In them, the increase in heat will be more pronounced, we cannot really influence gas prices,” the mayor added.

The city will not increase the rent itself. “We perceive that people are being hit by high prices, inflation is rising and the prices of goods and services are increasing. That’s why adjusting rent prices is not on the agenda. However, the cost of repairs and upgrades to the housing stock has also increased significantly. Rents in Bohumín are among the lowest in the region. In the future, it is therefore not impossible that we will eventually have to take this step as well,” Vícha said. The rent in the city last changed in 2019, from CZK 45.65 per square meter to CZK 54.78.

Source: CTK

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