The median price of used cars offered for sale in August rose by PLN 1,700 m/m to PLN 32,900, while their number increased by 6,176 vehicles to 200,058, according to a report by AAA Auto, based on an analysis of data on used car sales at dealerships, websites and used car dealers.
The increase in the number of offers of cars for sale is, on the one hand, good news because it gives buyers more choice, but on the other hand it poses a risk of fraud. This is because there are offers of ghost cars that do not actually exist. In this way, dishonest traders try to take advantage of customers looking for the best price, who are willing to pay part or even all of the price of a vehicle by bank transfer without a signed contract. Needless to say, it is impossible to recover the money paid, let alone receive the keys to the car of their dreams. On the other hand, the general increase in the price of basic products and services and the persistently high inflation rate, entail an increase in the price of second-hand cars. However, their average price is still much lower than the average price of a new car, which currently already exceeds PLN 175 000. Statistics show that the higher prices are also influenced by the increase in the number of offers of nearly new cars by around 6% from 13,922 in July to 14,742 in August. These cars are 1.7 years old and have a mileage of less than 20,000 km,” – Karolina Topolova, CEO and president of Aures Holdings – operator of the international network of AAA Auto autocentres, the company announced.
Median price of a used car in August 2023: PLN 32,900.
Median mileage in August 2023: 177,000 km.
Median year of manufacture in August 2023: 11.7 years.
The most common cars offered for sale were diesel cars with 93,053, ahead of petrol cars with 88,523, followed by LPG (12,384), hybrid (4,210), electric (1,805) and CNG (80) cars.
The most popular model offered for sale on the aftermarket in August 2023 was the Opel Astra with 5,608 car offers, followed by the Volkswagen Golf with 4,540 offers and the Audi A4 with 4,354 offers.
The AAA Auto Group is part of Aures Holdings, owned by British-Polish investment fund Abris Capital Partners. In Poland, the group operates as Autocentrum AAA Auto Sp. z o.o. The company has 63 branches, including 14 in Poland. AAA Auto sold around 20,000 used cars in Poland in 2022.
Source: AAA Auto and ISBnews
Photo: AAA Auto