The Accolade investment group is planning to build another hall in the industrial zone in Kojetín in the Přerov Region. It is to house light production and storage facilities. The group has sent documents regarding the planned construction to the EIA process. The hall, to be built on land adjacent to the new Amazon distribution centre, will create several hundred jobs, according to Milan Kratina, CEO of Accolade.
“According to our assumptions, we could ideally obtain a zoning permit by about the middle of next year and by the end of 2024 we could have a building permit,” Kratina said.
The EIA documentation shows that the planned hall will measure 337 metres in length and 109 metres in width, covering an area of more than 36,000 square metres. Accolade wants to build it on land with a photovoltaic power plant, which will have to give way to the construction of the production and storage hall. The new hall is to house the production of HVAC systems for roofs and facades, as well as a construction warehouse for prefabricated steel halls. “We believe that modern industrial premises will bring other Czech and European companies to Kojetín and its surroundings. Our ambition is to create lower hundreds of new jobs in various fields within the second phase of the industrial complex,” Kratina said.
Accolade chose this part of Kojetín because of its good transport connections, access to utility networks and also because of the zoning plan, which allows for the construction of a production and storage hall there. “The proposed location meets all the conditions. In addition, there is excellent accessibility for employees from the surrounding villages,” the notice of intent reads.
Construction of a neighbouring robotic distribution centre for online retailer Amazon, which was also financed by the Accolade group, was completed in Kojetin last summer. The project required more than five billion crowns. The hall stands on the site of the former sugar factory’s settling tanks. Amazon commissioned the distribution centre in Kojetín in June this year and has already recruited 1,500 of the planned 2,000 workers. The recruitment campaign is continuing and by the end of this year the Kojetín centre should have a full complement of employees. The total area of the hall for Amazon exceeds 187,000 square metres, with a floor plan of 51,000 square metres.
Source: Accolade, CTK and Czech Radio