Final version of Brno’s building regulations was approved today by the city council

29 May 2024

The final version of Brno’s building regulations was approved today by the city council. The document is expected to ensure quality construction and cultivated public space. It caters for the creation of the city’s avenues and major streets, prescribing their minimum width with sufficient space for pedestrians or cyclists. They have also unblocked, especially in the centre, the construction of housing where it has not been possible to build capacity parking. Petr Bořecký (ANO), a councillor for spatial planning, told journalists.

According to the town hall, the regulations tailored to Brno take into account the needs of a large city and set more precise standards and requirements than those in the national regulations. “They emphasize the character of both construction and public space, so as not to create excesses that are not city-forming. They also specify, for example, how many parking spaces must be included in the development. For example, in the close centre of a new development, there may not be any parking spaces because we are trying to eliminate cars,” Bořecký said.

The urban planning rules, which define street types or define building and street lines and determine the way building blocks are built and their relationship to public spaces, are also newly developed. “In addition, construction in currently difficult to build on areas will be simplified due to the relaxation of the requirement for sunlight. Above all, the regulations make it possible to design meaningful urban development,” said Jan Tesárek, director of the Brno City Architect’s Office, which was responsible for preparing the document together with the municipality. Last but not least, the document further promotes the planting of street trees or the use of so-called blue-green infrastructure, including the retention and collection of rainwater.

The issuance of regulations is made possible by the new building law. They will apply to all builders, planners and authorities involved in the permitting process from 1 July, in line with the new Building Act. Interested parties can find them on the city’s website and the architect’s office in the first half of June. In the future, they should also be published in printed form.

Source: Brno city and CTK

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