Bed retailer Bezvapostele moves central sales warehouse to P3 Ostrava Central

27 February 2024

P3 welcomes new tenant to its commercial and industrial park, P3 Ostrava Central, with bed and mattress retailer to lease S3 hall, following the recently completed second stage of construction.

Beginning August 2024, the company will operate a sales warehouse in the building, drawing consumers to visit the park.

Hall S3 was completed in autumn 2023, recently achieved a BREEAM certification of “Excellent” for sustainability and is now ready to welcome an occupier. The online retailer, sells beds, mattresses, and other furniture and accessories, and will install its central sales warehouse for the whole of Czech Republic and Slovakia in P3’s space.

Aleš Zacha, Head of development at P3 Czech Republic, said: “The concept of our park is based on the fact that we want it to be a place where business thrives. It is designed so that production, logistics, service, administration and sales operate side by side for tenants from diverse sectors. We believe that this diversity, in which we see an element of sustainability, is attractive to tenants.”

Vladimir Hodina, Business Director at, explained: “Our product range is large-sized and regular warehouse store facilities are not suitable. Therefore, we were looking for warehouse spaces with good accessibility and sufficient capacity, and which also allow customers to view the goods, and enjoy convenient parking and easy loading.”

The business prides itself on beds and mattresses made mainly in the Czech Republic or Slovakia, Five hundred products are in stock and 30-50 pallet shipments are dispatched daily via its own trucks and contract carriers.

A number of companies are already operating at P3 Ostrava Central, making many uses of the space aside from storage. Linde Material Handling has a shop, rental, service and demonstration centre for material-handling equipment. Tefcold, a distributor of refrigeration equipment, has a customer showroom in addition to a warehouse and extensive administrative facilities, to which the company’s headquarters has moved. The park is also home to distributors of toys (Canpol babies), newspapers (PNS) and beer (Zítek).

P3 Ostrava Central is on a brownfield site which used to house a raw material dump in Vítkovice. In the first two phases, P3 built 60,000 m2 of business space, with further construction to come in the years ahead. In addition to the buildings in the park, a completely new transport infrastructure is under construction, the orientation of which is inspired by and loosely linked to the Dolni oblast Vítkovice and Vítkovice itself. For the future connection to public transport, bus stop bays are also available. Greenery is being reintroduced to the site, and benches or a work-out area are available for the tenants’ employees around the buildings.

The P3 Ostrava Central project is revitalising the site, which has been inaccessible to the public for decades. It is opening up to the public and from August, customers will be able to see it for themselves.

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