BIK: Banks granted 14.2 thousand loans under ‘BK 2%’ for PLN 5.83 billion in October

30 November 2023

Banks granted 14,206 loans (59% of all loans granted) under the “Safe 2% loan” program for the amount of PLN 58.29 billion (60% of the total amount of loans granted) in October, said Waldemar Rogowski, the chief analyst of the Credit Information Bureau Group (BIK).

“In October’s lending, you can see a very positive effect of the launch of the government’s ‘Credit 2%’ Program. In October this year, according to BIK statistics, banks granted 14,206 loans (59% of all loans granted under this Program) amounting to PLN 5,829 billion (60% of the total amount of loans granted). It should also be noted that the value of loans granted under the program is close to the level of limits, i.e. PLN 500,000 for singles and PLN 600,000 for marriages or couples raising at least one joint child,” said Rogowski.

These statistics are consistent with BIK’s assumptions regarding the impact of the program on the housing loan market, he stressed.

“The growing real estate prices are also accelerating the decision to take out a housing loan by other borrowers. The program stimulates the demand for housing loans both directly from the beneficiaries of this program and indirectly among people who do not meet the formal criteria to benefit from the program,” said the main analyst of the BIK Group.

Source: BIK and ISBnews

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