BO! Holding launches the renaissance of STING real estate agency

23 January 2024

Dominance in Moravia and expansion into Bohemia. BO! Holding launches renaissance of STING real estate agency

With the aim of becoming a leader in Moravia and gradually penetrating more into the Czech region, BO! holding in Trinec is launching a renaissance of the established real estate agency STING, which was also founded in Třinec and has been on the market for 27 years. BO! holding wants to bring fresh energy to the established real estate agency, to support brokers with new services and to contribute to even greater satisfaction of clients selling real estate and brokers themselves, exactly according to the slogan Reality with a smile. In the near future, BO! holding plans to expand its branch network to cities in the Czech Republic, including Prague.

“A huge added value for STING real estate agency clients is that over 50 percent of our colleagues have been working with us for more than 10 years. We will continue to rely on their exceptional experience and insight. We now want to contribute to the energy of BO! holding and help STING expand further,” says Michal Pitucha, who himself started his career at STING and is now returning as a co-owner.

BO! Holding agreed on the acquisition of a 100% stake in the real estate agency STING with its current owner Martin Zaremba in the last quarter of last year, and the transaction will be completed during January. Since January, BO! holding has also been involved in the management of the company. At a conference to be held on 23 January in Třinec, the management will present a new vision for the further development of STING real estate agency.

STING now has three dozen branches across the country and employs 130 real estate and financial professionals. According to Michal Pitucha, STING wants to confirm its dominance in the real estate sector in the Moravian region and open new branches in Central and Northern Bohemia in the coming months. One of the priorities is to expand the branch network by adding a representative office in the capital city. As part of the expansion, STING expects to increase the number of employees. It will offer its own training programme to new brokers and support successful real estate professionals with ready capital for direct investment in real estate.

Part of the brand renaissance within BO! holding is also the acceleration of the marketing strategy, which works with the slogan Reality with a smile.

“We will build on clients’ long-term satisfaction with STING’s real estate services, with 99 percent of clients stating that they would sell their property with us again. In addition to a quick sale and a fair price, it is essential for us to reinforce the good feeling and satisfaction of the whole sale on the part of the clients and the agents themselves. We will support brokers with new promotional materials, an expanded technological offer of presentation tools and synergies within the growing holding,” said Marek Macura, who is the co-owner of BO! Holding and its product and marketing director.

BO! Holding is a dynamically growing Trinidadian group that specializes in the real estate sector, development and linking finance with modern technologies. One of BO! Holding’s developing projects is the MOOY platform, which, based on the proven foreign concept of “rent-to-own”, facilitates clients in acquiring their own housing, or helps clients who need to get money for their property for any reason but do not want to sell it under pressure and under price.

Source: BO! Holding and CTK

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