Brno is still negotiating with the Czech Post to buy Orlí Street building

1 February 2024

Brno’s management is still negotiating with the Czech Post about the purchase of the building in Orlí Street, which should become the headquarters of the central construction office. Negotiations are fair and flexible, property councillor Jiří Oliva (SOCDEM) announced. The office should operate in the building together with the post office, whose services returned there today after several months.

At the end of January, the Czech Post closed the branch in the Velký Špalíček shopping centre due to capacity constraints and instead opened three counters in Orlí. The company closed the branch there last year in connection with the closure of other locations across the country. Despite the return of postal services to Orlí Street, Česká pošta is still counting on selling the building. The city, which last December decided to merge the building offices from the city districts into one, is interested.

“We have an expert opinion, so we know the price of the building. However, given that the negotiations are not finished, I do not want to comment on it so as not to jeopardise the success of the transaction. However, the Czech Post is communicating very flexibly,” Oliva said.

For the time being, the city would lease the building from around April to allow time to prepare the new building office. “We have to start sharp operation from July 1, so that we have three months to prepare and to be able to prepare the facilities for the 200 people who will work in the new office,” the councillor added.

Source: CTK

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