The city’s architect’s office is beginning work on the so-called Brno Building Regulations, which will be made possible by the new building law. The regulations will take into account the character of the city and set more precise standards and requirements than the national guidelines, and will help designers in their work. They could be in force as of July next year, Petr Bořecký (ANO), councillor for spatial planning and development, said yesterdayy.
“Building regulations are always specific and necessary for a particular city because they are something between the building law and the zoning plan. They specify some specific requirements of the city both for construction and for public spaces,” Bořecký said. He said the regulations will specify, for example, how to plant street trees.
Brno’s building regulations will be discussed by the authors with the departments concerned, city companies, representatives of municipal districts and building authorities, as well as with the professional public, i.e. architects and investors. They should be ready by July next year. As the form of the national implementing decree to the new building law, with which the wording of the city building regulations will have to be coordinated, is not yet known, the timetable is still preliminary.
The regulations will honor the same principles as the upcoming new zoning plan, Bořecký said. Those include an emphasis on the quality of public spaces, preserving and creating a mixed-use urban environment, and stormwater retention and detention. The document should also set conditions for the development of the city’s territory in line with sustainable development trends or low demands on transport and technical infrastructure. The Brno experts will coordinate the drafting of the regulations with colleagues from Prague and Ostrava in order to avoid fragmentation and lack of clarity of regulation in large cities.
Source: CTK