Czech Interior Minister Vít Rakušan (STAN) is not opposed to the possibility that the Czech Post could sell the building on Jindřišská Street in Prague. However, he said the management of the company must decide, he told a press conference at the Castle yesterday.
Last week, the Czech Post increased by CZK 250 million to CZK 1 billion the estimate of the amount it could raise by selling the closed branches. However, it will depend on how many properties are eventually available for sale, announced spokesman Matyáš Vitík. The government last week approved a reduction in the minimum number of operating post offices from 3,200 to 2,900. This will result in 950 fewer jobs at counters and 500 fewer deliverymen. The Post Office currently employs just under 23,000 people.
In addition to the overhaul in top management, Rakusan said Czech Post also needs to manage its real estate well and ask whether it needs all of them at the moment. According to him, the headquarters in Jindřišská Street is beautiful and representative, but it is basically impossible to park in front of it, difficult to heat, expensive to maintain and partly empty.
According to the Minister of the Interior, the question is therefore whether the company really needs such a seat in its economic situation, or whether it should run its management in more modest conditions and raise money from the sale. “It is a consideration. The decision will not be made by the interior minister, the management of Česká pošta must come up with the decision, but I personally am not at all opposed to such a consideration,” Rakušan added.
Source: CTK