Credit Agricole: Thanks to AI, Poland can speed up the convergence process

19 February 2024

Thanks to artificial intelligence (AI) Poland has a chance to slightly accelerate its convergence process to wealthier EU countries, economists of Credit Agricole Bank Polska predict.

The results of our analysis are consistent with research suggesting that countries with higher levels of economic development will generally be able to benefit more from technological shock in the area of artificial intelligence than lower-inquiries. This will lead to divergence and deepening of development disparities between the countries of the ‘poor North’ and ‘poorly South’, which is consistent, among others, with the results of the IMF research (2024). At the same time, due to the individual characteristics of individual economies, countries with similar levels of wealth can benefit from technological shock in the field of artificial intelligence to varying degrees. The results obtained by us suggest that thanks to the development of artificial intelligence, Poland has a chance to slightly accelerate its convergence process to the wealthier countries of the EU, according to the bank’s Macromapa “Who will benefit and who will lose on the development of artificial intelligence?”.

The bank’s calculation shows that “the higher the level of economic development, the greater the country’s readiness for technological shock in the field of artificial intelligence”. According to the bank’s economists, Poland has a chance to take advantage of the development of artificial intelligence to a slightly greater extent than would result from the level of economic development, thanks to the human capital it has.

Among the countries that can accelerate their convergence process as a result of the development of artificial intelligence, there are also other countries of Central and Eastern Europe, such as Hungary or the Czech Republic. We believe that the high place of these countries is due to the relatively high disparities between human capital and the level of wealth observed in them.

It was emphasized that low places in the premium index for the implementation of artificial intelligence (%) of countries such as the USA, Switzerland or Germany are due to the fact that the advantages of the above-mentioned countries in areas important from the point of view of effective implementation of solutions based on artificial intelligence (e.g. human capital or digital infrastructure) over other countries are generally less than their level of wealth.

In most cases, the weakness of these economies is the unfavorable demographic structure, i.e. the high share of older workers in the workforce structure, who according to literature have fewer opportunities to adapt and benefit from technological shock in the field of artificial intelligence, according to Credit Agricole.

Source: Credit Agricole and ISBnews

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