CTP earlier this year bought an industrial complex on a plot of land with a total area of 330,000 sqm in the Ostrava – Hrušov district from Bluehouse Capital. In addition to the existing first phase of 18,000 sqm, which already has three tenants, the developer plans to build another 76,000 sqm of industrial-logistics space. The revitalized area of the former chemical plants will thus accommodate a total area of 94 thousand m2 and will become the largest in the Czech CTP portfolio.
The first part of the 18,000 sqm hall is already located on the site, where Prosperplast and Hyundai Steel have warehouse space and the LogFlex logistics company has its facilities. In the first half of 2023, the developer will start the construction of another part of the hall with an area of 74 thousand m2, including the surrounding park facilities typical for all pro-jects of the developer, such as the necessary infrastructure, abundant greenery and electric vehicle chargers.
“Our long-term goal is to acquire land and projects in order to offer our clients the widest network of quality facilities for their further business development within Europe. Due to its strategic geographic location, the Czech Republic continues to have great potential for growth in industrial and logistics real estate in the long term, which is why I am delighted that we have added a new project in Hrušov to our portfolio. The site is in a great location close to the centre of Ostrava and the motorway and complements our other successful projects in the region very well,” explained Michal Felcman, Director of M&A at CTP, who led the acquisition.
Ostrava is a strategic region for CTP, where it has been intensively developing its activities since 2004. Thanks to its par-ks, the developer has provided the background for 10,000 jobs in the region. It already has two industrial parks, CTPark Ostrava and CTPark Ostrava Poruba, as well as the premium office complex IQ Ostrava. In response to the growing interest of companies in the Ostrava region, CTP decided to purchase the revitalised Hrušov site, located on the brownfield site of former chemical plants. CTP continues to expand its park network to 57 locations across the Czech Republic.
“We perceive Ostrava as a place with enormous potential, which is developing very quickly thanks to the openness of local governments and institutions. The new project in Hrušov fits perfectly into our strategy of creating high-quality and accessible infrastructure for companies in logistics, e-commerce, light manufacturing and R&D. The advantage of the Hrušov site is not only its excellent location, but also the readiness of the land and the completed building permits. Thus, we can start construction work immediately and offer our existing clients and new tenants the highest class A space with a number of elements to increase the sustainability of operations as soon as possible,” added Vojtěch Peřka, regional business developer CTP.
“The successful transformation of this site and the completion of the first phase of the hall was one of the key milestones of our project. It was also the ideal moment to hand over the project to a developer and manager with years of experience, such as CTP,” said Victor Pisante, CEO of Bluehouse Capital.
The new CTPark Ostrava Hrušov will provide the region with the necessary facilities for new companies as well as space for the growth of companies already operating in the Ostrava region. Its concept also fits in with Ostrava’s urban plan, under which a new manufacturing and business district is to be built nearby.