Czech construction industry grew in June after several months of decline

7 August 2023

Construction output in the Czech Republic rose in June in year-on-year comparison after four months of decline. It rose by 1 per cent, with an increase in both civil and building construction. The Czech Statistical Office (ČSÚ) reported this on its website today. Month-on-month, construction output was 2.5 percent higher.

“The (year-on-year) growth took place in both civil engineering and ground construction and the contribution of the segments to the overall growth was the same,” said Radek Matějka, director of the ČSÚ’s Department of Agriculture and Forestry, Industry, Construction and Energy Statistics. Output in civil engineering, which includes the construction of residential and non-residential buildings, increased by 0.7 percent. In civil engineering construction, which is the construction of roads or telecommunications and energy networks, production increased by 1.6 percent year-on-year.

Source: ČSÚ and CTK

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