Czech DPP imposed 255,115 fines for driving illegally last year, up 16% year-on-year

7 July 2023

Auditors of the Prague Transport Company (DPP) imposed 255,115 fines for illegal driving last year, up 16 percent year-on-year. They collected CZK 213.7 million in fines, up nearly 41 percent year-on-year. People paid most of the fines within 30 days of their imposition. Last year, DPP vehicles travelled some 181.2 million kilometres and carried almost 892 million passengers, both up year-on-year. DPP employed 10,987 people as of December 31, 2022. This is according to the company’s annual report. DPP is the largest municipal company in charge of public transport.

Thanks to greater efficiency in our work, we have collected 52 per cent more surcharges at the point of inspection than in 2021, eliminating the need for a significant number of claims to be further pursued through the courts. This has also helped us to ensure that 76 per cent of surcharges are paid by passengers within 30 days of their imposition, it was announced.

The number of inspections by auditors increased by 15,000 year-on-year to more than a quarter of a million. On the other hand, the number of debts recovered in foreclosure has gone down as the DPP joined the so-called grace summer that allowed people with foreclosures to get rid of debts with public institutions. If they repaid the original amount owed and a fee of 908 crowns to the bailiff, the penalties, interest and other payments were forgiven and the foreclosure proceedings stopped. In Prague, most of the stopped enforcement proceedings concerned fines for illegal driving.

DPP vehicles covered almost 181.19 million so-called vehicle kilometres on urban and suburban lines included in the Prague integrated transport system. Compared to 2021, this was 5.49 percent more. Out of the total 891.7 million passengers, the largest number of passengers travelled by metro, 338.14 million. Roughly two tens of millions fewer people used trams and the cable car to Petřín, and over 231.67 million passengers rode DPP buses. The rest took trolleybuses or suburban buses.

Of the nearly 11,000 DPP employees, 9,371 were men and 1,616 were women at the end of last year. Most of them are drivers, accounting for 39.07 percent of the total number of employees. 32.26 percent of them work in blue-collar occupations. The majority of the employees are of the middle generation with secondary education with a high school diploma and secondary education without a high school diploma. The average wage reached CZK 50,164.

At the end of last year, the company registered 730 metro cars, 769 trams and 1192 buses in operation. DPP also owns historic vehicles, which are housed in the public transport museum in the Strešovice carriage house.

Source: DPP and CTK

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