Czech Post has announced tender for Jindřišská building, price starts at CZK 1.538 billion

25 October 2023

Czech Post has announced a tender for the building of the main post office at the corner of Politických vězňů and Jindřišská streets in Prague. The tender was preceded by an offer of the building to state institutions, which was not used. It follows from the information of the Czech Post on its website.

The tender procedure will take the form of an envelope method with the right of the capital city of Prague to match the highest bid. The branch of the main post office in Jindřišská Street will be preserved and the new owner will have to conclude a lease agreement with the post office.

The building was built between 1871 and 1890 and its first major reconstruction was between 1896 and 1899. Further major alterations took place between 1912 and 1920 to 1921. This was the basis for the valuation of the property which formed the basis of the asking price. Between 1996 and 1999, builders carried out a major renovation of the property.

The building, which currently houses, among other things, the company’s management, is being sold by Česká pošta together with the house in Moravská Street, where the price is CZK 62.39 million. The Prague City Council has previously expressed interest in this property, as well as in the building in Politické vězňů.

So far this year, the Post Office has received over CZK 200 million for the sale of unnecessary property. The company intends to offer dozens of unnecessary properties before the end of the year. These include post office buildings, administrative buildings, land and flats.

By selling real estate, the post office is trying to stabilise its economy. Last year it ended with a loss of CZK 1.7 billion and expects a billion-dollar drop this year as well. Within two years, the company is to be transformed into a branch operator and a commercial parcel company.

Source: Czech Post and CTK

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