Czech Post plans to sell building in the centre of Olomouc, price to be set by experts

12 September 2023

The Czech Post is preparing to sell the former post office building on Horní náměstí in the historic centre of Olomouc, which was on the list of closed post offices and ceased operations in the summer. The price of the large property will be set by experts, announced Ivo Vysoudil, spokesman for Czech Post.

“The price of this property is currently being determined on the basis of two independent expert opinions. Subsequently, the intention to sell the property will be submitted to the company’s supervisory board,” Vysoudil said. The building can then be acquired for a set price by, for example, state organisations or enterprises. If they do not show interest, an electronic auction will probably take place later this year. The town hall is still seeking to acquire the branch, but it has not yet succeeded in its request to the Interior Ministry for a gratuitous or partially paid transfer of the post office building.

After the preparation of expert opinions, which will determine the price of the former post office building on Horní náměstí, the Czech Post will publish its intention to sell the property on the public administration portal for 30 days. “Within this period, eligible entities can apply for the transfer of this property. In this case, the Czech Post will transfer the property for the usual price according to an expert’s report,” Vysoudil said.

However, he pointed out that municipalities are not among the eligible entities. “After that, the building will be offered for sale through an e-auction. The highest bidder will get the building. ČP must act with due diligence and sell the property at the maximum possible price,” Vysoudil stressed.

Mayor Miroslav Žbánek (ANO) told councillors last week that negotiations with the Interior Ministry on the transfer of the post office building have not yet led to the desired result. The city would like to move the municipality’s department focused on traffic and administrative issues, which is temporarily housed in a state-owned building on Vejdovského Street, into the large property. “The Ministry of the Interior and the CP have repeatedly issued a negative opinion, either for a gratuitous acquisition, but also for a consideration with a possible discount for the relocation of this state agency (the department of drivers and motor vehicles),” Žbánek said.

In the proposal, the city calculated that it would receive a discount for transferring this administrative activity to the state if the branch was sold. “We are waiting to see what offer the CP will submit after the building on Horní náměstí is priced,” Žbánek noted. According to the mayor, if the city does not acquire the property, in two or three years it will have nowhere to relocate officials from the department dealing with traffic and administrative matters based in the building on Vejdovského Street.

Olomouc lost seven post offices at the end of June, which is half of their current number. The town hall did not agree to the closure of the branches in Horní náměstí and Holice, fearing a deterioration in the availability of postal services. The Upper Square branch was well patronised and had wheelchair access. If the house on Horní náměstí became the property of the city, the post office could be moved there from nearby Mariánská Street.

Source: Czech Post and CTK

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