Czech Post will increase wages by an average of one tenth from September

27 March 2024

Czech Post will increase the wages of operational and administrative staff by an average of ten percent from September. It will spend CZK 320 million on this. Currently, postal workers earn an average of CZK 31,012, which is CZK 12,000 less than the average wage in the Czech Republic last year, according to the latest information provided by the Czech Post.

In March, the employees received an extraordinary reward for the successful implementation of crisis measures last year in the average amount of CZK 4,500, which meant a total cost of CZK 120 million. The post office employs around 20,000 people. The last time the Post Office increased wages by an average of five per cent was last year.

According to the CEO Miroslav Štěpán, the payment of the extraordinary bonus and the increase in wages is the result of negotiations between the management of the Czech Post and representatives of all trade unions operating at the Czech Post.

“Ensuring the day-to-day functioning of Czech Post, including the demanding pre-Christmas period during the ongoing transformation, places enormous demands on all employees of our company. Therefore, with the February salary in the March pay period, the Post Office employees received an extraordinary reward. The transformation of the Czech Post is heading in the right direction, and therefore we have decided to increase the tariff wages after a long time and we are already taking this cost into account in this year’s balanced management plan,” said Štěpán.

According to him, the priority is to continuously strengthen the quality of delivery and therefore letter carriers will receive the biggest increase. Successful transformation is a condition for the sustainability of the postal employees’ wage assessment so that working for the post office in the changing market conditions is still attractive for them.

Last year, Czech Post reduced its loss by approximately CZK 1 billion to approximately CZK 700 million. This was due to operational changes and savings, including the closure of 300 branches. This year’s financial results are expected to end with a positive zero. The company is currently preparing for a transformation, which will consist of separating the branch network from commercial parcel and logistics services under the name of Balíkovna from next year.

Source: Czech Post and CTK

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