Czech state announced the fifth auction for the sale of the Haná Barracks in Olomouc

28 March 2024

The Office for State Representation in Property Matters (ÚZSVM) has announced a fifth electronic auction for the sale of the large Hanácké barracks in the centre of Olomouc. In the new round of the auction, which is scheduled for 17 and 18 April, the minimum price has been reduced from CZK 249 million to CZK 248 million, it was announced on the website of the ÚZSVM.

Some time ago, the Olomouc Region together with the Olomouc City Hall and Palacký University expressed interest in the property. However, experts pointed out the poor technical condition of the Haná barracks and the high costs of reconstruction. Therefore, in January, the Regional Council cancelled its previous resolution, which opened the way for the municipalities and the university to acquire the Haná barracks free of charge.

The state had failed to find a buyer for the barracks in four previous electronic auctions. In the last round of the auction, the minimum price of the premises was reduced from CZK 262 million to CZK 249 million in 2022. Last year, the Olomouc Region commissioned a structural and technical survey, which showed that the Haná Barracks building is in a very poor technical condition and its reconstruction would require large costs.

“The building cannot do without a general overhaul of the roof, facades, a complete replacement of the window openings and replacement of all internal installations. The recommendation for replacement also applies to the connections,” according to the report to county councillors. The experts pointed out that the building needs to be costly radon insulation. It would also make the operation of Hanácké barracks more expensive, which under the terms of the gratuitous transfer could not be used commercially.

The Olomouc Region wanted to use the Haná Barracks building mainly for science, culture and education, especially through the Museum of Homeland History in Olomouc or the Olomouc Archaeological Centre. A creative centre, a social counselling centre, a material and food aid centre, a branch of the Family Point and a regional volunteer centre were also to be established in the premises. The town hall wanted to move some of its departments that do not have a high attendance to the Hanácké barracks building.

Hanácké Barracks has been used by the army for 170 years and has been empty since 2013. The building has an office area of over 2,000 square metres. Originally, it was considered to house hundreds of employees of state agencies, which are now located in several places in Olomouc. However, according to the Ministry of Defence, further use for civil servants would be more expensive than the sale and eventual construction of a new administrative headquarters.

The Olomouc Region expressed interest in the Hanácké Barracks building in 2014, wanting to house a museum and library or offices. At that time, the Hejtmanství eventually abandoned the plan. The renovation of the listed building will be expensive. According to an estimate from 2020, it would cost around CZK 815 million, and the prices of construction work and materials have risen significantly since then.

Source: CTK
Photo: Jiří Komárek

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