Develia intends to increase its share of the domestic residential market in 2023 by developing new projects through joint venture partnerships, among others, the company said. The company is interested in cooperation with other developers, as well as land owners in Poland’s largest cities. In particular, the company is looking for entities with plots of land with already issued building permits, on which a residential investment can be carried out at a fast pace.
“We have an extensive land bank – we can build about 8,000 apartments on the land we own. We want to increase our market share, and faster expansion may be made possible by, among other things, joint ventures. We are not limited to the cities in which we conduct development activities, but prefer large agglomerations. Our JV partners can be all types of entities – development companies, cooperatives, but also individuals. We are interested in both smaller companies with investment procedures underway, which need capital and equity partner to complete them, owners of land plots, but also large companies looking for financial support,” announced company CEO Andrzej Oślizło.
Develia’s authorities declare a flexible approach to potential partners and specific forms of cooperation in the JV formula.
“We are open to all roles – we can be a capital provider, but also act as an active developer and, in consultation with the landowner, carry out the entire investment process, including commercialization. We offer transparent terms of cooperation, giving full control and insight into the implementation process at every stage. We focus on partnership cooperation, as evidenced by our current JV projects,” added Business development consultant Karol Dzięcioł.
Source: Develia and ISBnews
Photo: Cynamonowa development – Develia