Developer Impact achieved 8% increase in net profit in 2022

10 May 2023

The developer Impact Contractor & Developer achieved a net profit of RON 84.76 million in 2022, an increase of 8 percent compared to 2021. The company ended 2022 with revenues of RON 219 million, an increase of almost 60 percent compared to the result from 2021.

Last year, the developer sold 275 homes, up from 183 homes sold in 2021. From Greenfield Băneasa, it sold 110 homes, compared to 39 homes in 2021, and from Luxuria expozitei, it sold 161 units, compared to 140 in 2021. The 275 units sold last year generated revenues of RON 42.4 million.

The developer had 1,631 units under construction (with building permits) at the end of last year, of which 732 units were under construction and 899 units are expected to start construction in 2023-2024.


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