Dobrovský wants to build a residential building and villas in Ústí nad Labem

20 February 2023

Dobrovský, a company that focuses on selling books, wants to build an apartment building and villas in Ústí nad Labem. It is not yet clear how much the company wants to invest in the buildings, but according to councillor Pavel Tošovský (nez.), it is preparing documents for an application for a building permit, they announced today. The so-called Tower Dobrovský will be built in Předmostí Street, where the bar is today. Viladoms will replace the empty areas after the demolition of the devastated houses in Na Nivách Street.

The city council approved the conclusion of a four-year memorandum with the company on Friday. Romana Macová, a spokeswoman for the municipality, informed about it today. Mayor Petr Nedvědický (ANO) said that this is an older issue. “The memorandum was concluded in the last election period and now it is being extended,” he said. Nedvědický said the company’s intention was interrupted during the coronavirus pandemic. “They prepared several projects, and because there was a parking problem, they arranged to rent parking spaces under Mariánská skála,” the mayor said of the contemplated construction of the apartment building.

The nine-storey building is to house several dozen apartments. In the lower two floors, the investor envisages the use of space for entrepreneurs. “The construction procedure is still ongoing, so it is possible that there will be some changes,” Tošovský said. Regarding the planned villas, the councillor said that the city had bought land from a neighbouring company which will be used as gardens for the residents of the houses.

The city does not yet know whether the company will offer the houses for rent or sell them. “They’re making money on the books, so they want to use the funds for good purposes, and somehow they like the Estuary, which we need to take advantage of,” the councilman concluded.

Source: CTK

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