Dobrovský wants to build an apartment building for hospital employees in Ústí

18 June 2024

Dobrovský, a company that focuses on selling books, wants to build an apartment building in Ústí nad Labem, mainly for employees of the company Krajská zdravotní, which manages the Masaryk Hospital. The deputies approved a change in the zoning plan from civic amenities and commercial areas to residential areas. The land is owned by the North Terrace district. The investor requested the change of the zoning plan, said councillor Eva Fialová (ANO).

“He would like to build a large house, which would mainly serve as accommodation for the Regional Health Service, which is currently struggling to find housing for its employees,” Fialová said. The investor envisages building a house with two hundred apartments, each with its own underground garage. The councillor added that the area, located at the intersection of Krušnohorská and Bělehradská streets, is suitable for the investor’s plans.

Opposition councillor Lukáš Blažej (PRO! Ústí) pointed out that the change is being submitted to the old master plan, even though the city is having a new document prepared. Fialová said that this is a major investor. She said the city should accommodate him so he doesn’t have to wait several years for a new zoning plan. He wants to start construction as soon as possible. Opposition councillor and architect Jan Hrouda (PRO! Ústí) would consider the change in the context of the new master plan. He said that it should be examined whether it is appropriate to build an apartment building in the area.

The Dobrovský company has another plan, for example in Hrnčířská Street, where it also wants to build an apartment building. Some councillors pointed out that the investor has not yet started this, which raises question marks. Councillor Pavel Tošovský (nez.) said that the investor has not started construction yet because of the planned repair of the Beneš Bridge, which will be closed and traffic complications are expected. Opposition councillor Martin Krsek (PRO! Ústí) recalled the city’s intention to build flats in the building of the former rectorate in Hoření Street. He also wants to offer them to hospital employees. “I just wonder if we are taking the wind out of our own sails for our project,” he said. Fialová responded that Dobrovský wants to offer the flats for personal ownership, while the city would lease the flats in Hoření Street. “So it’s definitely not going against ourselves,” it was added.

Source: CTK

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