Echo Investment – Archicom Group records growth in sales of apartments

6 April 2023

Echo Investment – Archicom Group records an increasing interest in apartments from customers and is ready for an increase of sales in 2023. Nearly 2.5 thousand apartments is planned to start.

Echo Investment – Archicom Group sold 374 apartments in the first quarter of 2023, compared to 313 apartments in the fourth quarter of 2022 and 175 apartments in the third quarter of 2022. The sale in the last three months includes 116 apartments from Echo Investments’ projects and 258 from Archicoms’ projects in Wrocław.

“We observe a clear upward trend. Despite the difficult environment, the residential market is active. Since August last year, each month we see a growing number of transactions and customer interest. This proves the strength of this market, the trust of clients to invest in real estate, as well as confidence to the largest and strongest companies, such as Echo Investment and Archicom. That is why we are investing in new projects. It is also important to us due to the fact that sales results in the first quarter were affected by the small number of apartments in our offer at that time. Currently, we offer over 1.2 thousand apartments, and in 2023 we plan to start the construction of about 2.5 thousand. Therefore, we expect a significant increase in sales compared to last year,” says Nicklas Lindberg, CEO of Echo Investment.

Projects which construction is due to start in 2023 are located in Wrocław (37%), Warsaw (33%), Poznań (16%), Kraków and Łódź (8% each).

In the first quarter of 2023, the Echo Investment-Archicom Group delivered 293 apartments to customers, of which 164 in Echo Investment and 129 in Archicom. The land bank owned by the Group allows for the construction of nearly 12,000 units.

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