EDP has received approval for its photovoltaic park in Romania

10 April 2024

A company controlled by EDP, an old and large investor in renewables in Romania, obtained the connection approval for a 122 MW photovoltaic park in Bacău county.

Energopark SRL from Bucharest obtained the technical approval for connection (ATR) for a photovoltaic park in Bacău county, according to Transelectrica data. It is about the photovoltaic power plant Izvorul Berheciului, designed with a power of 122 MW, which will be connected to the Transeletrica network in a 110 KV station that will be built.

The estimated commissioning date of the park is, however, quite far away, December 31, 2027. The company developing this park, Energopark SRL, is fully owned by EDP Renewables Europe, controlled by the Portuguese giant EDP, which has 22,000 MW installed globally.

The Portuguese, present on the local market since 2008, have already installed 521 MW in renewables in Romania.

Source: Economica.net

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