Farmacia Tei si Bebe Tei, one of the most dynamic businesses on the local market, continues its expansion in the province and puts Braşov and Craiova on the development map, where it will open stores in shopping centers in the summer.
“In June, we are opening a Farmacia Tei si Bebe Tei store in Braşov on 2,300 sqm in the Coresi shopping center, and in August in Craiova in Electroputere Mall,” said entrepreneur Roxana Maftei, the founder of the pharmacy chain.
Farmacia Tei and Bebe Tei achieved a total business of RON 1.82 billion last year, and for this year the officials estimate a 20 percent higher business. Tei’s pharmacies are developed on spaces much larger than a normal pharmacy, over 1,000 sqm, which makes them true “hypermarkets” of medicines.
In 2022, Pavăl Holding, the investment vehicle of brothers Adrian and Dragoş Pavăl from Dedeman, bought 30 percent of the shares of Farmacia Tei and Bebe Tei companies.