Gebrüder Weiss Kft., the Hungarian sister of international freight forwarding and logistics company, is set to become the first tenant of the PT2 warehouse of HelloParks Páty megapark. The company, which is expected to move into the new building in the summer of 2024, has decided to lease 22,000 sqm of space in the industrial property that is currently under development. This property is the second building of the industrial park and measures 42,000 sqm in total.
The dynamically-growing HelloParks was established just two and a half years ago, but with the PT2 hall, the developer has already started the construction of its ninth speculatively-developed building in Hungary. The company’s warehouses, currently under construction, are built exclusively to the highest, Outstanding criteria of the BREEAM New Construction category and are aligned with EU Taxonomy requirements. With this ethos in mind, PT2 is aiming to achieve the most stringent certification available. The industrial property is being built directly adjacent to the 58,000 sqm PT1, which recently obtained occupancy permit, and is already at advanced stage of lease negotiations for the remaining space to be let.
As part of the most comprehensive development program in its 33-year history, Gebrüder Weiss Kft. (GW) established two new sites in Zalaegerszeg and Pécs in 2021, each with a floor area of 2,500 sqm. At the beginning of 2022, another two halls in Polgár and in Szeged, each with a floor area of 2,900 sqm were opened. With these developments, Gebrüder Weiss Kft. has divided its Hungarian network into six regions of equal status with independent management and decision-making power, and has created a single national coverage. GW’s network of branches provides a full range of services to its customers throughout the country at consistently high level of quality. The service at the headquarters in Dunaharaszti, Vecsés, Biatorbágy, Szigetszentmiklós and Győr remains unchanged. With the present expansion, the total floorpan of GW’s Hungarian operations reach 90,000 sqm.
As part of the most comprehensive development program in its 33-year history, Gebrüder Weiss Kft. (GW) established two new sites in Zalaegerszeg and Pécs in 2021, each with a floor area of 2,500 sqm. At the beginning of 2022, another two halls in Polgár and in Szeged, each with a floor area of 2,900 sqm were opened. With these developments, Gebrüder Weiss Kft. has divided its Hungarian network into six regions of equal status with independent management and decision-making power, and has created a single national coverage. GW’s network of branches provides a full range of services to its customers throughout the country at consistently high level of quality. The service at the headquarters in Dunaharaszti, Vecsés, Biatorbágy, Szigetszentmiklós and Győr remains unchanged. With the present expansion, the total floorpan of GW’s Hungarian operations reach 90,000 sqm.
“The new logistics base, which is strategically important for the Gebrüder Weiss Group, can become a prime location for new business acquisition in addition to the existing center, even in the short term. When choosing location we focused on finding the optimal solution for our operations, both in terms of location and service level,” said Balázs Bencsics, GW’s National Logistics Product Manager.
Bernadett Sallay, Senior Business Development Manager at HelloParks, said: “Across the whole process, we engaged in fast, efficient and highly professional consultation. Both parties were clear about the exact goal, which was supported by a teamwork of appropriate flexibility. We believe that a long and successful partnership has begun with this new contract.”
“We are very pleased and proud of this agreement, as Gebrüder Weiss reflects our original vision. In the increasingly vibrant domestic industrial market, we work hard to continue to forge ahead on our own path, strongly supported by our excellent and dedicated team of experts,” said István Pozderka, Business Development Director of HelloParks.
HelloParks, an industrial real estate developer of the Futureal Group, currently has a 264,000 sqm portfolio of completed buildings, including six finished halls in the company’s three megaparks in Fót, Maglód and Páty. In addition, the company will launch a further 102,000 sqm of industrial real estate development this year. MG1 in Maglód and FT1 in Fót, which opened last year, were 100% occupied by tenants in just a few months, and in the MG3 and FT6 buildings in Maglód and Fót, completed this year, more than 18,000 sqm of space have already been signed for leases. Two buildings, PT1 in Páty (58,000 sqm), the largest single modern warehouse in the Budapest area, and FT2 in Fót (45,000 sqm) have recently obtained the occupancy permit. The company has also started preparatory works for the PT2 hall in Páty this year, and has started construction on a fourth key site around Budapest: its 60,000 sqm warehouse in Alsónémedi is expected to be completed at the same time as the PT2 hall in Páty, in the second quarter of 2024.