GUS: Investment funds’ result from operations amounted to PLN -6.3 billion in 2022

31 July 2023

Investment funds achieved a negative result from operations in 2022, amounting to PLN -6,304.1 million (down by around PLN 17.6 billion y/y). Assets amounted to PLN 299.43 billion (down 13.2% y/y), the Central Statistical Office (GUS) reported.

“The value of total assets accumulated by investment funds at the end of December 2022 amounted to PLN 299.4 billion (down 13.2% year-on-year). In 2022, investment funds achieved a negative result from operations in the amount of PLN -6.3 billion (PLN 17.6 billion less than the previous year),” according to the GUS release.

The result from operations of closed-end funds amounted to PLN 6,710.8 million, the result from operations of open-end funds amounted to PLN -8,622.7 million and specialist open-end funds amounted to PLN -4,392.2 million.

Assets of closed-end investment funds amounted to PLN 137.95 billion (up by 2.1% y-o-y), open-end investment funds: PLN 99.64 billion (down 22.6%), specialist open-ended investment funds PLN 61.84 billion (down 23.8%).

The value of investment fund deposits at the end of December 2022 fell to PLN 230,714.3 million (down 15.4%). Debt securities had the highest value, i.e. PLN 129,590.8 million (down 14.8%). Equities decreased in value to PLN 43 802.2 million (down 24.1%). Receivables were at PLN 12 925.4 million (up 26.5%). Deposits in participation titles issued by non-resident mutual institutions amounted to PLN 16,712.2 million. Shares in companies increased to PLN 15,926.7 million (up 1.8%). Deposits decreased to PLN 841.1 million (by 53.3%). The share of debt securities and equities in total deposits was 56.2% and 19.0% respectively, compared to 55.8% and 21.2% respectively in 2021, GUS reported.

Investment fund deposit revenues in 2022 amounted to PLN 15 484.4 million (39.2% more than the previous year). Their main item was interest income, which reached PLN 6,555.0 million and accounted for 42.3% of deposit income.

In 2022, investment fund receivables amounted to PLN 46,210.1 million and were 5.5% lower than at the end of 2021.

Net costs of investment funds amounted to PLN 4,785.4 million and were 6.8% lower than a year earlier.

Source: GUS and ISBnews

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