HelloParks has opened its first two warehouses in Fót and Maglód

21 June 2023

Industrial property developer HelloParks has opened its first two warehouses in Fót and Maglód, built to the highest sustainability standards. The buildings, one of which is specifically designed for city logistics needs, have already been contracted by six companies to lease a total of nearly 18,000 sqm of space. The two-and-a-half-year-old HelloParks’ portfolio of finished buildings has now grown to 150,000 sqm, which the company will increase to 250,000 sqm by later this year.

Tenants are moving into the two new warehouses at HelloParks, which were opened by the developer in the first quarter of this year. MG3 in Maglód (46,000 sqm) obtained its occupancy permit in January, while FT6 in Fót (26,000 sqm) was approved in March. The first tenants have already signed up for a quarter of the warehouse space. Loginvent Zrt. and WELL PACK Hungária Kft. have signed contracts for a total of 10,000 sqm in MG3, while Beta Hungary Kft., Keber Germany Precision Machinery Kft., KOPOS ELEKTRO Kereskedelmi és Gyártó Kft., and Serveone Hungary Kft. have leased a total of 7,600 sqm in the FT6 City Flex building for their operations.

The tenants of the MG3 industrial warehouse are the first in Hungary to occupy a warehouse built to the highest Outstanding rating of the BREEAM sustainability standard’s New Construction category. This means that the offices in the hall will operate with zero primary energy consumption thanks to the solar panels to be installed on the roof. The completed facility will also be equipped with energy-saving LED lighting and energy-efficient machinery as standard. The public areas surrounding the building will be lit by smart-ready lights, while access to zero-emission transport will be ensured by electric car chargers and electric golf carts for mobility. Less than 3% of buildings worldwide are rated Outstanding, and HelloParks is currently the only company to build industrial halls in this category in Hungary.

FT6, also developed to BREEAM New Construction Outstanding, is HelloParks’ first City Flex warehouse, designed to make it suitable for smaller spaces from 1,000 square metres. The drive-in gates on one side only, and docking and drive-in gates on the other, the lower ceiling height and the smaller size of the building all make it better suited to businesses involved in urban logistics, and light manufacturing and assembly.

The higher energy efficiency is also supported by HelloParks’ own mobile application, which provides useful information to tenants by connecting to the halls’ intelligent building automation and monitoring systems. Through this application, technical data of the rented areas can be accessed remotely, utility consumption can be monitored, and heating, ventilation, or lighting settings can be changed. They can also create time schedules and check that all lights are switched off.

“Since our establishment in 2020, we have been developing our warehouses exclusively to the highest categories of the BREEAM sustainability standards. Currently, all of our developments under construction are already built to the highest Outstanding certification criteria and EU Taxonomy requirements, which HelloParks wants to set a forward-looking green industry benchmark in the country and the region,” said Rudolf Nemes, CEO of HelloParks.

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