How many flats are bought by foreigners in Poland

5 June 2024

What is the interest in buying new flats among foreigners? Is the buying activity of foreigners increasing? Who is buying flats in Poland? Which ones?

Angelika Kliś, board member of Atal:
According to our sales data, foreigners generate only about 3-5 per cent of total transactions. Their market share is at a constant level and has not changed significantly compared to last year. Depending on their means, they mostly choose flats for themselves and these are two- and three-room units, less often four-room units.
Ukrainians predominate among buyers, with the remainder falling to other nationalities. The nationality structure may vary from region to region. For example, Kraków, where business services are booming, attracts a lot of Indians. Buyers are mostly middle-aged people. There are also mixed marriages, where one of the partners is of Polish origin.

Joanna Chojecka, sales and marketing director for Warsaw and Wrocław at Robyg Group:
We continue to record interest in the purchase of flats by foreigners, currently at the level of 15 per cent. Compared to last year, this is a slight decrease, when the share remained at the level of about 20-30 per cent of our sales.

These are customers looking for medium-sized flats, usually two and three rooms, in well-connected neighbourhoods. They also pay attention to the equipment and new technologies used in the flats. We record the largest number of enquiries from citizens of Ukraine and Belarus.

Tomasz Kaleta, Sales Department Director, Develia S.A.:
This year we have observed a clear increase in purchasing activity of foreigners. While previously they accounted for about 5 per cent of our customers, now it is more than 8 per cent. About half of foreign buyers are citizens of Ukraine, another 20 per cent are Belarusians. Other important groups of buyers from outside Poland are Israelis, Indians and Germans. Each of these nations accounts for 2-4 per cent. ‘foreign’ transactions.

Małgorzata Ostrowska, Director of the Marketing and Sales Division at J.W. Construction:
For several years, there has been growing interest in the purchase of our flats from foreigners. They are mainly residents of Ukraine and Belarus. Customers from Vietnam, Germany or the USA also appear in our sales offices, but these are usually isolated cases and people who have family connections with Poland.

Zuzanna Należyta, Commercial Director at Eco Classic:
We have noticed a significant increase in interest in purchasing flats from Ukrainian citizens. This is probably due to the fact that they believe that the war will not end soon. Those who escaped from it have realised that they will stay in Poland for longer, so they prefer to buy instead of renting.

Marek Starzyński, Sales Director at Okam:
Poles predominate among customers buying flats in our investments. Foreigners interested in our projects also come forward, but demand remains at a similar level. The largest group are customers from Ukraine. We also have many customers from Belarus, the UK or Israel.

Agnieszka Gajdzik – Wilgos, Sales Manager at Ronson Development:
We are noticing a growing interest in our residential offer from outside Poland. Most clients from other countries are in our sales offices in Warsaw and Wrocław. They are dominated by couples or families with children from eastern countries, especially Belarus and Ukraine. Interestingly, we notice that some potential buyers are now people who have already purchased property in our investments before.

Mariola Żak, sales and marketing director at Aurec Home:
We notice that the number of foreigners interested in buying flats in Poland is steadily increasing. Foreigners are most eager to buy flats in large cities, where they are encouraged by the large labour market and the rich educational offer. Ukrainians, Belarusians and Germans lead the statistics.

Citizens of Ukraine bought almost 380,000 sq.m. of flats on the Vistula in 2023. In the case of Belarusian citizens, it was about 111 thousand sq.m. In third place are Germans, who bought premises with a total area of more than 54 thousand square metres.

Our neighbours from the East work in Poland and send their children to school and university. In the Miasteczko Jutrzenki investment, they usually buy two- or three-room units of a smaller size. They mainly want a quiet and well-connected neighbourhood, but they also pay attention to safety and practically designed common areas. German citizens, on the other hand, choose larger properties of more than 60 sqm of a higher standard for themselves or for investment.

Damian Tomasik, CEO of Alter Investment:
As a land developer, we do not notice increased activity coming from abroad. Our customers are mainly companies with Polish capital and experience in the market.

Photo: Develia_Gdansk, Szmardagdowy Park

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