Hradec Králové Regional Council approved the plan to reconstruct the Vrbensko Barracks

25 March 2024

The Hradec Králové Region Council has approved the plan for a complete reconstruction of the Vrbenský Barracks in the centre of Hradec Králové. Most of the costs of the investment, worth more than half a billion crowns, should be covered by four approved subsidies, representatives of the regional administration announced today. A tender for a contractor is currently being held. The Vrbenský barracks belongs to the region and is a long-unused former military building in the centre of the town.

“The Vrbenský barracks area is in a very poor condition and requires more substantial improvements than the already renovated neighbouring Gayer barracks. This corresponds to the construction and technical preparation of the project, which was particularly demanding because the building is in a conservation area. The project preparation of the facade of the building was particularly demanding,” said Pavel Bulíček (Pirates), Deputy Governor for Investments.

The Vrbenský barracks is located inside the former military complex of the Gayer barracks, opposite the barracks’ twin towers, which the region has renovated and now serves as the museum’s main specialist workplace. Vrbensky Barracks was built in the 19th century.

The reconstruction of the Vrbensky Barracks should cost around CZK 422 million excluding VAT, according to the latest estimates of the region. “A competition for a contractor is currently underway, which will clarify the total cost and the date of the start of construction,” said Martina Svatoňová, spokeswoman for the regional administration. The selection of suppliers of exhibitions and equipment will follow.

Construction work is expected to start in the first half of this year and, according to subsidy rules, must end in 2025. The construction of the expositions is expected to take place between 2026 and 2027. The estimated cost of the project to rebuild the former military facility was around CZK 800 million at the end of last year.

The reconstruction should solve the insufficient space for the activities of the regional Museum of East Bohemia (MVČ) in Hradec Králové, both for professional work and for the presentation of collection items.

After the reconstruction, the Vrbenský Barracks will have three floors in the side wings, four floors in the central part and one underground floor. The extension will have one storey terminating in a flat roof. The extension will be attached to the existing building by a glazed neck and connected in height to the original entrance. The Vrbenský barracks will become a modern museum workplace. Its thematic centre of gravity will be the publicly accessible nature and man exhibitions and the related operation of a cultural and creative centre under the management and expert guidance of the MVČ.

The project has the support of four subsidy titles for a total amount of more than 500 million crowns. The subsidies will be used for construction works, namely for the reconstruction of the building and the extension, as well as for the equipment of the Centre for Creative Museums of the Hradec Králové Region and for the construction of a natural science and archaeological exhibition. Two of the projects will draw funds from the National Restoration Plan and two projects will draw support from the Integrated Regional Operational Programme 2021+, it was announced.

Source: Hradec Králové Regional Council and CTK

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