ID Logistics summarises the implementation of its 10 CSR strategy objectives, globally and in Poland, and outlines its directions for 2024.
Eric Hémar, President and CEO of ID Logistics, comments: “ID Logistics, two years after announcing its CSR objectives, continues to implement the planned actions in line with its commitments. We are pleased to note that the implementation of most of them is going well and we are on track to succeed in the short term. We also see that more and more of our customers recognise the sustainability of the logistics solutions we provide. The growing number of flagship CSR projects is testament to the high level of awareness of our teams. Now more than ever, our CSR strategy is fully integrated into our business model.”
ID Logistics Group’s CSR strategy is based on 3 pillars: employee, environmental and social.
… Employee – promotion of social advancement, integration and reduction of workplace accidents (target: -40% in 2027 against 2018) …
ID Logistics supports the social advancement of its employees by building diverse teams and promoting a diverse approach, especially in the integration of people with disabilities. The aim is to be a role model in the logistics service provider industry in terms of workplace safety. Here ID Logistics relies on an extensive in-house training programme, measurement and control of dedicated indicators, and uses innovations for ergonomics and automation of workstations.
– Health and safety – the target is a 40% reduction in workplace accident frequency and severity rates by 2027 vs. 2018. Q3 of this year saw a reduction in accident frequency and severity rates of 35% and 47% respectively;
– Supporting people with disabilities – the target is to increase the employment rate of people with disabilities by 20% by 2025 vs. 2020. This increased by 2.5% in Q3, reflecting the cultural diversity and diversity of the teams;
– Internal promotions – the Group is aiming for an internal promotion rate for warehouse managers of 70% by 2030; by Q3 this year it was 62%.
… Environmental protection – lower energy intensity and waste recycling …
ID Logistics is implementing projects aimed at reducing energy consumption and waste production and reducing its carbon footprint by 40% by 2030, excluding offsets.
– Carbon footprint – the target is to reduce 1&2 emissions by 40% (CO2/pallet) by 2030 vs. 2018. In Q3, emissions fell by 21%, showing progress in reducing energy demand.
– Energy intensity – ID Logistics aims to reduce energy intensity (Kwh/m2) of warehouses by 20% by 2030 vs. 2018. A decrease of 15% was reported in Q3.
– Waste recovery – the target is 85% waste recovery by 2025. 64% of waste was recovered in Q3;
– Commitments to customers – by 2025. 75% of distribution centres to deliver environmental projects in partnership with the customer. This figure was 64% in Q3.
– Community involvement
The Group encourages the implementation of local initiatives, based on the values: Entrepreneurship and Support.
– Cooperation with local communities – by 2025, projects with local communities are to be implemented in all countries where the Group operates. In Q3, these were implemented in 70% of the countries.
– Responsible Purchasing – the goal is to have 80% of suppliers signed up to the Responsible Purchasing Charter by 2023. Responsible Purchasing Charter by 80% of service providers. By Q3 this year, 70% had signed it.
– Ethics – 100% of Directors and 89% of managers had been trained by Q3.
The results of a survey conducted in Q3 2023 among the company’s approximately 270 customers, indicated a sharp increase in the assessment of the CSR activities carried out by ID Logistics – by 15% vs. 2015, a score of 3.74 out of 5. According to customers, the CSR policy is one of ID Logistics’ strengths. The Group has also been recognised by rating agencies dealing with social and environmental aspects. In 2023. Ecovadis awarded ID Logistics a silver medal, with a score of 66 points, 2 points higher than the year before. In turn, the rating issued by MSCI rose to A, up from BB awarded in 2019.
In 2023, ID Logistics has implemented a number of projects to raise employees’ awareness of CSR. Among them are: “DUO DAY” (aimed at people with disabilities who would like to work in the logistics industry), the recycling of cardboard waste for parcel packaging (a project implemented in Poland, Spain and France) or a smart energy management system in France and Germany (resulting in a 20% to 45% reduction in energy demand).
A comprehensive CSR strategy, based on 3 pillars, is also implemented by the ID Logistics Group in Poland.
The most important initiatives are summarised by Agata Glabbinska, CSR Manager at ID Logistics Poland.
“At ID Logistics Poland, we systematically implement the goals of the CSR strategy, focused on three pillars: employee, environmental and social. In the current year, we have focused our efforts on effective management of resources, especially energy and consumables, used in storage and distribution processes. Thanks to projects such as the modernisation of lighting, the installation of motion sensors and automatic temperature control, we have managed to reduce energy consumption in the warehouses by up to 30%. Other initiatives, such as the partial use of renewable energy, the replacement of cardboard packaging with returnable packaging, or the use of used cardboard boxes as a filler to secure shipments, have contributed to a reduction in the carbon footprint by 13%, for each pallet shipped.
In the employee area, our focus is on expanding the skills of our team and enabling development within the organisation. This year, 180 employees benefited from the Manager’s Academy programme and 35 managers participated in development training. Our policy promotes internal promotions, as evidenced by the fact that 2/3 of warehouse managers took up their position through this route.
ID Logistics branches are actively involved in supporting local communities. During this year alone, the ID Logistics team has been involved in 25 different social and pro-environmental initiatives. Employees-volunteers took part in the renovation of a single mother’s home, organised gift collections for orphanage alumni, planted trees, and participated in the 4th Bydgoszcz Run for Breath, supporting people suffering from cystic fibrosis.”
As part of its CSR strategy, the Group has set itself three key priorities for 2024. The first is to bring the companies acquired in 2022 and 2023 up to Group standards. The second is to continue to raise awareness among customers in order to offer them even more sustainable solutions. Finally, the Group is ready to meet its regulatory obligations (CSRD, Taxonomy) in pursuit of further growth in CSR.
Source: ID Logistics