Intermarche plans to have 3 shops and 2 petrol stations in Zielona Góra by end of Q2 this year

7 March 2024

Food supermarket chain Intermarche has opened an outlet in Zielona Góra and plans to have two more openings in the city in Q2 this year. In addition, two store-side fuel stations will be opened in Zielona Góra, the company reported. The outlets will employ nearly 130 people.

“Zielona Góra is a very important part of our chain’s history – it was here that Intermarche first appeared in Poland, so our presence and ability to reach local residents is extremely important. Now we are back with supermarkets and petrol stations in a modernised version, in the Power 2.0 concept, which is distinguished not only by its modern equipment, but also by its comfortable layout and floor plan for customers, enabling them to shop conveniently on a daily basis,” said Intermarché CEO Tomasz Waligórski.

The first of the shops to open on Szosa Kisielińska Street has an area of 2,200 sqm.

Earlier, the Muszkieterów Group reported that it plans 10 new Intermarche shop openings in 2024.

The Muszkieterów Group is an association of nearly 500 independent Polish entrepreneurs managing Intermarche food supermarkets and Bricomarche home and garden supermarkets. In 2023, the turnover of the Muszkieterów Group was PLN 10.3 billion.

Source: Intermarche and ISBnews

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