The developer Iulius could build his biggest project in Constanţa, if it reaches an agreement with those from Oil Terminal, for the two plot of lands that have a total of 38 hectares in the center of the city.
After radically transforming the center of Iasi and building a new project in Cluj worth over EUR 500 million, Iulius could invest approximately EUR 815 million Constanţa.
“The IULIUS company remains focused on the continuation of investment plans in urban regeneration, taking into account and continuously analyzing several cities in Romania. Constanța is one of these, a city that we consider to have a major development potential, having assets that differentiate it and make it attractive for investment. For now, we followed the invitation and made an offer to Oil Terminal S.A., expressing our interest in a partnership aimed at investing in a large-scale urban regeneration and reconversion project and, under the conditions in which we will be selected as partners, we will be able to provide more details,” declared the officials of the Iulius Group.