Jablonec has managed to agree with the developer to modify the Byty podlesí project

2 May 2023

The management of Jablonec nad Nisou has managed to reach an agreement with the developer on the modification of the Byty podlesí housing project in Rýnovice. There will be front gardens, a stream, a pedestrian and cycling path and a playground. Negotiations have succeeded in improving the quality of the residential complex, and the company is investing approximately CZK 15 million to improve the public spaces around the houses and infrastructure, announced deputy mayor Jakub Chuchlík (Piráti).

The residential buildings should be built in the area bounded by Jezdecká, Tovární and Široká streets. According to Chuchlík, the 2010 project envisages the construction of seven five-storey buildings with a maximum of 130 cooperative flats. “Originally, however, small flats were envisaged, but now they will probably be combined into larger ones, so there will be fewer of them,” he added. According to the deputy mayor, the project has undergone several modifications based on comments from the city and the city architect. The city owns part of the land in the planned development, which gave it the opportunity to push through the changes.

“The project originally had garages on the ground floor of the houses, but now five houses have apartments with front gardens instead. We consider this to be a significant bonus for the quality of the neighbourhood and social control in the area, because there will be someone looking out of the windows, someone staying in the front gardens, there will be contact with the street, which contributes not only to neighbourhood relations but also to safety in the area,” Chuchlík said. Parking will be along the road, he said, which has made it possible to limit paved roads between houses.

As part of the agreement with the developer, he will transfer part of the ground floor of one of the houses to the city for a nominal amount. “We want to set up a playgroup there, but if there is another need in the future, two apartments can be created there,” Chuchlík said. A forest park with benches will be created between the housing complex and the forest, where the reopened stream, which is now piped in, was supposed to wind its way. “This will return water to the landscape, which will enhance biodiversity and the quality of life in the area,” the deputy mayor added.

However, the city still owns some of the land needed for the development. “We have managed to negotiate a contract under which the city will sell the necessary land to the developer at an estimated price. The city will then take over the built roads, including public lighting, as well as a turning point for trucks, which will be used for example for garbage collection, moving, etc. The pedestrian paths to the houses will remain the property of the new residents,” said Petr Roubíček (ODS), the deputy for city property management.

Source: CTK

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