The revitalisation of the forest park in the Kokonín district or the conversion of the former residential hotel in Střelecká Street into social housing are the biggest investment projects planned by Jablonec nad Nisou for next year. The town will spend CZK 268 million on repairs and reconstructions, nearly a fifth of the CZK 1.5 billion budget. More money will be directed to investments in February, once the results of this year’s economy are known, Jana Fričová, a spokeswoman for the municipality, announced today.
Jablonec is planning to spend CZK 46.7 million on transport and infrastructure next year, over CZK 150 million is budgeted for modernisation, reconstruction and redevelopment and another CZK 42 million will be spent on the preparation of new projects. The most expensive project is the revitalisation of the forest park in Kokonín, including the repair of the memorial to the fallen. The CZK 25 million project includes new water features, paths, a gazebo, furniture, greenery and information boards. The town has been promised a subsidy from European funds from the Integrated Territorial Investment (ITI) programme for the Liberec – Jablonec agglomeration.
“One of the big investments next year will be the reconstruction of the municipal hostel in Střelecká Street. Six flats for the elderly will be built for CZK 21 million. Another big item in the budget is the third stage of the revitalisation of the Šumava housing estate, valued at CZK 18 million. It includes the reconstruction of the road, pavement, retaining wall and public lighting, and the project has been allocated a subsidy under the ITI,” added Deputy Mayor Jakub Chuchlík (Piráti). The revitalisation of the estate also includes the restoration of public greenery for another CZK 3 million.
The city will invest nearly CZK 85 million in the renovation of schools. The biggest project is the modernisation of classrooms at the Arbesova Primary School for CZK 16 million, while the modernisation of the school kitchen at the Pasířská Primary School will cost CZK 15 million. The budget also includes CZK 15.5 million for the modernisation of the 5 May Primary School. “Based on the actual economic result, a larger budget measure is expected in February 2024, in which the budget for this modernisation will be increased,” Chuchlík added. According to him, the town hall should also receive money from the ITI for this event.
According to Chuchlík, the city’s budget for next year also includes several larger items for project preparation. “This mainly concerns larger projects included in the ITI, such as the transport terminal, the U Přehrady kindergarten, the transformation of Tyršovy Sady, the Kantor’s Villa or the preparation of new major projects, such as the parking house at the terminal, the urban planning of the lower centre, the solution of the Upper Square or the renovation of the city spa. I believe that these projects have the potential to move Jablonec forward, to make it a more friendly and attractive city,” added the Deputy Mayor.
Source: CTK
Photo: Jablonec nad Nisou