Kofola to build a new warehouse at its production plant in Mnichovo Hradiště

15 February 2023

Kofola, a producer of soft drinks, will build a new warehouse at its production plant in Mnichovo Hradiště in the Mladá Boleslav Region and connect it to the II/268 road. This is expected to reduce truck traffic near the residential area near the site and increase the plant’s storage space. The company should have a building permit by the end of the year. The investment will cost lower hundreds of millions of crowns, Jana Ptačinská Jirátová, the company communication manager announced today.

“In Mnichovo Hradiště, we have been struggling with a lack of warehouse space for a long time, and at the same time we are striving to divert truck traffic from Černá cesta, i.e. from the vicinity of the residential area, and to improve the overall internal serviceability of the site,” Ptačinská Jirátová said. The planned 10,000 sqm hall is to be connected to the production plant building. A so-called green roof and a new transport connection to the site for truck traffic directly from the II/268 road are planned. “Thanks to this, the truck traffic will completely avoid the entrance from the Černá road, which is located near the housing development,” added Ptačinská Jirátová.

Kofola ČeskoSlovensko has 11 production plants in Europe, employing almost 2,000 people, with approximately 140 in Mnichovo Hradiště. The Mnichovohradiště plant with three lines is the only one in the Kofola Group to use a so-called hot fill line, which fills products when hot.

According to the Mnichovo Hradiště development policy, Kofola should contribute to the city budget for the new construction. “If it gets the building permit, the town will receive a contribution of nearly CZK 4.9 million from the company for infrastructure development,” said Mayor Jiří Plíhal (Žijeme pro Hradiště).

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