Media Expert leases 800 sqm at Bielsko-Biała Comfy Park Bielik

24 June 2024

The newly developed retail park in Bielsko-Biała is an attractive retail destination for many companies, including those requiring larger leasable area. In fact, half of the leased units at Comfy Park Bielik are in the 800 m2+ range.

Media Expert, which is the largest consumer electronics/appliances chain in Poland, with more than 550 electro-stores in around 470 cities across the country, will open its shop in Comfy Park Bielik on more than 800 sqm. In addition to Media Expert product range, it provides transport and service, disposal of old equipment, and an extensive package of installation and configuration services for equipment. The brand has been present on the market since 2002.

In recent years, Media Expert, through the MEDIAEXPERT Foundation, has actively supported the Polish health service during the pandemic, GOPR and WOPR units, or educational institutions, as well as aid programmes for refugees from Ukraine. The company has won awards such as: Grand Prix – Consumer Laurel, Quality of Service Star, Golden Consumer Emblem.

“It is a real pleasure to work with a brand that has such a long tradition in sales and has achieved so much in the difficult consumer electronics market. Today, a shop in this segment is an integral part of most retail parks. We live in a fast-changing reality in which new electronic products replace the previous model in a very short time. Affordability, the possibility of buying in instalments and the fact that these are often items of first necessity mean that we visit places such as Media Expert much more often than we did a few or a dozen years ago,” Elżbieta Kutrasińska, Head of Leasing, Redkom Development.

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