Medialine moves its headquarters to One Cotroceni Park

19 October 2023

One United Properties announces the conclusion of a lease contract for the relocation of the company Medialine within the One Cotroceni Park development. The contract has been signed for a duration of 8 years. Medialine’s new headquarters, a top provider of IT infrastructure solutions tailored to the diverse needs of businesses, reflects Medialine’s commitment to providing its employees with a pleasant and modern working environment in line with sustainability principles.

“Through all of our office developments we aim to foster a sense of community where individuals not only collaborate but also have convenient access to an array of amenities. Our commitment lies in offering contemporary workplaces that place a high value on the well-being of employees, integrate sustainable elements, and harness the most advanced industry technologies. Medialine is a technology company with immense growth potential, and it is also one of the companies that have understood how crucial it is to adapt the workspace to the new needs of employees. We are thrilled to extend a warm welcome to the Medialine team at One Cotroceni Park”, says Mihai Păduroiu, CEO Office Division One United Properties.

”By choosing to set our new headquarters at One Cotroceni Park we made a bold strategic decision. We aim to transform this space into a centre of innovation and collaboration, where every Medialine employee will find the inspiration needed to create exceptional IT solutions. One Cotroceni Park provides not just an office space but an ecosystem of sustainability, cutting-edge technology, and an atmosphere that encourages excellence. We are proud to be a part of this dynamic community”, says Arthur Iridon, Managing Director, Medialine Romania.

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