Mikołów Park retail park in Silesia with building permit

27 September 2023

Mikołów Park is a modern retail park being developed by Ceetrus Polska in cooperation with Nhood Services Poland. In September, the investment located in Silesia received a building permit. The investor plans to open Mikołów Park in the fourth quarter of 2024.

Nhood Services Poland is responsible for coordinating all activities related to the preparation and implementation of the retail park in Mikołów. The company conducted a detailed analysis of the potential of the already existing Auchan Shopping Center and market expectations. As a result of these activities, a recommendation was made to the owner of the facility, Ceetrus Polska, to create additional retail space by extending the shopping arcade of the mall. This will create a strong and dominant retail point on the map of Mikołów. The great interest of tenants in the retail park project confirms the correctness of the decisions made.

In September, the investment with an area of 5,400 sq. m. GLA received a building permit. Construction work is scheduled to start in the fourth quarter of 2023. Nhood Services Poland conducted a bidding process, selecting a construction contractor. The investor plans to complete the work in Q4 2024.

As a modern retail facility, Mikolow Park will be fully adapted to the expectations of future tenants and customers. The project will include many ecological solutions. Only renewable energy sources will be used to operate the facility, a PV installation with an energy bank will power the lighting of parking lots and common spaces in the retail park. The retail facility will be built on the site of the existing parking lot of the Auchan Mikołów Shopping Center, where selected elements of technical infrastructure will be reused. The entire complex is planned to be planted with 30 trees and shrubs, while the facades in non-commercial areas will be covered with climbing greenery.

– We have applied ESG best practices to create an innovative and sustainable facility that will meet the expectations of tenants and clients,” says Marcin Wawiernia, design manager at Nhood Services Poland, responsible for preparing and managing the investment.

Meanwhile, Marcin Matysiak, director of commercialization at Nhood Services Poland, emphasizes that the interest in the project from tenants has exceeded the company’s expectations. – We are confident that the selection of tenants will effectively increase the retail offer expected by customers from Mikolow and the surrounding area, he adds.

Ceetrus Poland has an extensive portfolio of commercial properties across Poland, which is also the subject of a growth potential analysis conducted by Nhood Services Poland. As part of its strategy, Nhood Services Poland plans to develop these locations by increasing the retail offer and creating more opportunities for tenants.

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