The American giant Oracle is one step away from concluding a transaction to consolidate its Romanian offices in Oregon Park, giving up all the spaces in the Sky Tower, and analyzing the options of reducing or giving up the headquarters in Floreasca Park, which means a reduction of the almost 50 percent of the office space dedicated to its more than 4,300 employees in Romania, according to sources in the real estate market.
The employees of Oracle Romania, which is also one of the largest tenants on the office market, work in Oregon Park, where the corporation has leased the largest space: 20,000 sqm rented since 2015 and another 5,000 sqm added in 2018, in Floreasca Park, where it has a whole building of about 20,000 sqm since 2012, and in Sky Tower, where it occupies nine floors and an area of 10,400 sqm.
Thus, Oracle will consolidate its local offices in Building A in Oregon Park, where it will shrink to 20,000 sqm. The contract renewal with Oregon Park would be one step away from being signed. This transaction will directly enter the first place in the list of the largest leased areas this year on the Romanian office market.