The current fire station of the volunteer firefighters in Ostrov in the Karlovy Vary Region is probably going to be demolished. New facilities are already being built in Jáchymovská Street, and the firefighters are expected to move there next spring. The town hall wants to build an apartment building in place of the unsuitable building in the conservation area, deputy mayor Pavel Čekan (Local) told reporters today.
The original fire station in Karlovarská Street was built by people during Akcija Z, a free brigade of residents. The volunteer firefighters have been based there since 1990, but they are expected to move into the new fire station at the beginning of next year. The building is no longer technically suitable, so the town hall intends to demolish it and build a new building instead.
The architectural office is currently preparing a study for the project. The plan is to build a multi-storey building with an estimated ten to 12 flats. It is an attractive location near the island’s castle with a park and the Palace of Princes, and the Myslivna apartment building was also completed there this year. The plot is part of the city’s conservation area, so the construction will be supervised by conservationists.
The town hall would like to use subsidies to finance the construction. However, if it is not successful, it would pay for it from its own budget. Housing construction is one of the priorities of the town of 17,000. “We could build one apartment for around CZK 2.5 million, it would be the size of a standard apartment, around 60 to 70 square metres. If we’re talking about 10 to 12 apartments, it would also be somewhere between 30 and 40 million crowns,” Čekan said.
The construction of the new armoury, which cost CZK 70 million, began last autumn. It is being built in Jáchymovská Street, where there is also a call-out station for rescuers and since last September the builders have also been building a station for professional firefighters.
Source: CTK