Final figures from the State Election Commission (PKW) show that in Sunday’s parliamentary elections, Law and Justice (PiS) won 194 parliamentary seats and the Civic Coalition (PO) won 157, PKW reported.
According to PKW data, the Third Way will bring 65 deputies, the New Left will bring 26, and the Confederation will bring 18 to the 460-member Sejm.
The PKW reported last night that in Sunday’s parliamentary elections, the Law and Justice Party won 35.38% of the vote, while the KO came in second with 30.7%. Third place went to the Third Way with 14.4% of the vote, followed by the New Left with 8.61% and the Confederation with 7.16%.
There will be 41 KO representatives in the Senate, PiS will introduce 34 senators, Third Way will introduce 11, and New Left will introduce 9, the Commission also reported.
Turnout in the elections to the Sejm was 74.38%. In 2019, the turnout in the elections was 61.74% (the highest result in parliamentary elections so far was in 1989: 62,11%).
Source: PKW and ISBnews
Photo: wikipedia