Q&A: What sales results did developers close the third quarter of this year with? How many flats have gone to buyers since the beginning of 2023? Did more flats sell this year than last year?
Angelika Kliś, board member of Atal S.A..
In the third quarter of this year, we concluded 760 preliminary and developer agreements, which is about twice as many as last year and by almost 3 per cent more quarter-on-quarter. After three quarters of 2023, the number of signed agreements reached 1,901.
Tomasz Kaleta, Sales Department Director, Develia S.A.
2023 in terms of sales volume is a very successful year for us. In the first nine months, we sold 2060 units compared to 1225 units in the same period last year, which means an increase of 68 per cent. In the third quarter of this year alone, we found buyers for 876 units, which is 236 per cent more than in the third quarter of 2022, when we sold 261 units. For the past few months, we have seen a definite upturn in the residential property market. The driver of demand is the 2 per cent Secure Credit programme, while we are also seeing the return to the sales offices of the remaining customers using credit. We are also seeing high activity from cash customers.
Cezary Grabowski, Sales and Marketing Director of Bouygues Immoblier Polska.
We can already count 2023 as a very satisfactory year, if only because our sales in the first and second quarters were higher than in the entire previous year. The third quarter of 2023 is a continuation of the good results, and the key thing is that we are on the eve of launching new investments. In October, we started the sale of Osiedle Lumea 3 in Warsaw, which is a continuation of our bestselling project in Bemowo – Osiedle Lumea and Osiedle Lumea 2. At the moment, of the 79 flats offered a month ago, only 16 are vacant. By the end of the year, we are planning to launch two more investments – these will be flats in the Włochy district and in Chrzanów, which is well known to our customers.
Joanna Chojecka, sales and marketing director for Warsaw and Wrocław at Robyg Group.
During the three quarters of 2023, TAG Immobilien Group sold 2883 flats on the Polish market and recognised more than 1500 units in revenue. TAG Group signed 2559 development and preliminary agreements, Robyg signed 2245 and Vanatage signed 285. During the period, Robyg signed 2562 reservation agreements in Warsaw, the Tri-City, Poznań and Wrocław and recognised almost 1,300 units in revenue. Vantage sold 283 units during the three quarters of 2023 and recognised around 200 units in revenue. At the end of September 2023, it had more than 2230 units under lease and a total of almost 2300 units on offer for lease. Sales of flats after 3 quarters of this year are satisfactory and confirm that the whole year will be very successful. Demand for flats is still high – also among foreigners, who are increasingly choosing Poland as their living destination. Certainly, the Safe Credit programme has allowed for better availability of housing for young people, who often cannot afford financing on market terms. This is a very good decision, the government should make it as easy as possible for citizens to purchase their first flat. This is an essential element for a sense of security, to promote population growth and economic growth. Therefore, all programmes, including easily accessible and low-interest loans, should be a permanent part of supporting its citizens and government programmes. The most important thing now is for developers to be able to smoothly put investments on the market, thus increasing the supply, which is all the time limited by slow administrative procedures.
Boaz Haim, CEO of Ronson Development
In the third quarter of 2023, we sold 305 units. In contrast, we sold 801 units in the first three quarters, which was 81 per cent higher than in the whole of 2022 and 169 per cent higher than in the same period in 2022 (we sold 298 units in Q1-Q3 2022). The Company’s good sales performance for the third quarter, but also after three quarters in general, was the result of, among other things, our long-term business strategy and, in particular, the launch in mid-2022 of the largest sales offer in the Company’s history. We then expected and forecast a market rebound in the middle of this year and were ready with a supply-side response. After the first three quarters, we are managing to maintain a satisfactory sales momentum and as long as there are no changes in the market that will affect our customers’ ability to purchase flats, we expect to end the year with a very satisfactory sales result. I hope that this year we will beat our previous sales record.
Michał Witkowski, sales director of Lokum Deweloper.
In the third quarter of this year we contracted 196 flats, a result 90 per cent better than sales in the third quarter of last year,. By the end of September, we had found buyers for 558 flats, twice as many as in the same period of 2022. Since the beginning of the year, there has been a strong recovery in demand. After a difficult last year, we are again seeing great interest in purchasing flats. Customers have returned to realising the dream of buying their own home, and there are also a lot of transactions made for investment purposes. The fall in inflation, the reduction in interest rates, the introduction of the 2 per cent Safe Credit programme and the increase in salaries have all had a positive impact on the financial situation of customers and have contributed to an improvement in market sentiment. Buyers are regaining the tools to finance home purchases. Customers are also aware of the continuing rise in housing prices, which motivates them to implement their plans as quickly as possible.
Dawid Wrona, board member at Archicom.
Archicom’s sales results have remained on an upward wave continuously since the third quarter of 2022. The noticeable trend is mainly due to the continued high level of consumer demand for residential properties since the beginning of this year. In the third quarter of this year, we concluded 493 preliminary agreements for the sale of units and development agreements, 87 of which were direct sales by the Echo Group executed by the Archicom Group under a corresponding management agreement. In the same period a year earlier, their number was 175. From the beginning of January to the end of September 2023, we concluded a total of 1315 agreements, compared to 1202 agreements in the same period of 2022. It is worth noting that in the past quarter, a significant organisational change in the Echo-Archicom Group took place at the same time, involving the contribution of the residential business to Archicom.
Małgorzata Ostrowska, Director of the Marketing and Sales Division at J.W. Construction.
We are implementing our plan in line with the assumptions made. We are already approaching the end of the year, so it is a good time for summaries. In terms of sales, this year is much better than previous years. This is due, among other things, to the fact that individual borrowers have returned to the market, especially the beneficiaries of the 2 per cent Safe Loan. This is confirmed by the figures. For example, we sold 40 per cent more units in Q3 2023 than in the same period in 2022.
Mariola Żak, sales and marketing director at Aurec Home
We are satisfied with the sales of flats after three quarters of 2023. We note that the demand for flats is still strong, which is primarily strongly related to the Safe Credit 2 per cent programme, which enables young people to purchase flats on preferential terms. In addition, the government subsidy is also stimulating investors who are returning to the market and expanding their stock with more units. The July-September 2022 period was the weakest for developers in years. One could say that the property market was at rock bottom, mainly due to the paralysis of the credit market. The third quarter of 2023 saw a maximum rebound, with demand for flats almost tripling. We expect even better results in Q4 this year due to the launch of the next phases of the Miasteczko Jutrzenki project, and we are also working on new investments in Warsaw: My River and My Forest located in Warsaw’s Białołęka district.
Anna Bieńko, Sales Director at Wawel Service
Since the beginning of the year, we have been observing an upturn in the property market, especially among credit customers. For a long time, buyers using mortgages have had to deal with high interest rates, which meant in practice that few could afford mortgages. Now the situation has improved somewhat. The 2 per cent Secure Credit programme has also emerged, which has had a stimulating effect on traffic in our sales offices. Sales of flats after three quarters of this year are satisfactory. The good result was influenced by the introduction of new projects to the offer. We currently have four investments in Kraków on offer, including three with flats ready for occupancy: Zielone Mogilany, Nova Wiosenna, Na Błonie 106 and investments in Katowice Bytkowska – also ready for collection. We expect even better results at the end of the year due to the launch of new projects. In Kraków, further stages of the Piasta Park investment will be built, as well as the new Łepkowskiego 11 investment, and in Katowice – another stage of the Bytkowska investment.
Source: dompress.pl
Photo: Enklawa Ursynow – Home Invest