Poland: Loans from lending companies rose 13.2% y/y to PLN 832 million in March

20 April 2023

Loan companies granted a total of 275,200 new loans (-9.1% y/y) worth PLN 832 million (+13.2% y/y) in February 2023, the Credit Information Bureau reported.

The average value of a new non-bank loan granted in March 2023 was PLN 2,669, 19.1% higher than the average value of a loan granted in March 2022, it said.

In March 2023, compared to the same period last year, the highest growth rates were recorded in loans in the range above PLN 5,000 – by number (+16.9%), and by value (+20.2%). Low-value loans in the range up to PLN 500 were the weakest. In numerical terms, loan companies granted them less by (-36.3%) compared to March 2022, and in value terms (-15.5%). In March 2023. 47% of the value of newly granted loans was granted by loan companies for amounts above PLN 5,000, which, however, in numerical terms accounted for only 14% of granted loans. In numerical terms, loans up to PLN 1 thousand dominated, accounting for 37% of the number of granted financing. In value terms, loans for amounts up to PLN 1 thousand accounted for only 8.2% of sales, according to the report.

In Q1 of this year, loan companies granted a total of 788.1 thousand loans for an amount of PLN 2.291 billion. This represents a 5.7% decrease in the number of loans granted, and a 10.4% increase in value compared to the same period in 2022.

Source: BIK and ISBnews

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