Average prices per square metre of new flats in March remained unchanged in three, rose in three (by 1-2%) and fell m/m in one of Poland’s seven largest agglomerations, according to preliminary data from RynekPierwotny.pl.
Stabilisation was recorded in Krakow, Wrocław and the Tricity, an increase of 1% – in Poznań and the Katowice agglomeration, of 2% – in Warsaw, while a decline (by 2%) – in Łódź (to below PLN 11,000 per sqm), it was reported.
In the case of Krakow, Łódź, Poznań and the cities of the Upper Silesian and Zagłębie Metropolitan Area, the increase in the average price per square metre of flats available in the developers’ offer was higher in the first quarter than in the same period a year ago.
In almost all metropolitan areas, the offer of developer companies has clearly improved. The exception was Łódź, although it should be noted that the choice of new flats in this city is still at a record high. The problem is that the cheapest units disappear the fastest from developers’ offers, while the prices of those they put on sale often exceed the possibilities of credit buyers. For example, Warsaw developers probably concluded fewer contracts in March than in the previous two months for this reason. Flats with an average price per square metre reached PLN 18,500 were placed on the market. Those sold, on the other hand, were much cheaper, at around PLN 16.1 thousand per metre. The combination of these two factors resulted in a 2% increase in the average price per square metre of the flats remaining on offer, it was further reported.
In March, the prices of flats offered on the secondary market also continued their upward march. In Warsaw, Krakow, Wrocław and the Tri-City the average price per square metre rose by 1% during the month, while in Łódź and the cities of the Upper Silesian Metropolis – by 2%, according to GetHome.pl. Only Poznań saw a decrease in the average price per square metre of second-hand flats in March – by 2%, it concluded.
Source: RynekPierwotny.pl and ISBnews