Policolor – Orgachim Group expands its paints factory in Bucharest by 1,000 sqm

2 February 2023

Policolor – Orgachim Group, with extensive activities in the field of production and sale of varnishes, paints, resins and specialty chemicals, both in Romania, Bulgaria and on other international markets, started the expansion of its paints plant in Bucharest in January 2023.

MASTERBUILD has been appointed general contractor for the expansion project and will build an additional 1,000 sqm, next to the existing 3,500 sqm, at the Policolor factory on Timisoara Boulevard in Bucharest.

“Although the pandemic and the post – pandemic period have been challenging for most industries, with many of the problems caused by the supply chain challenges and price fluctuations, the Romanian market remains very competitive. This is the main reason we see the expansion and automation of the paints plant as a natural step to cater for the increased demand on the local market and meet the needs of our customers,” says Irina Mandoiu, CEO Policolor-Orgachim.

“We are honored to work with such a dynamic player and look forward to seeing local production capabilities multiplied and upgraded where appropriate. According to the INS data, Romania has increased the volume of construction works annually, which we also see in the market and this is is a good sign for the entire economy, says Stefan Vayma, CEO of MASTERBUILD General Contractor & Property Developer.

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