Sales of home loans totaled PLN 2.17 billion in November, up 4.1% from the previous month and down 70.7% y/y, the Credit Information Bureau (BIK) reported. The average loan amount was PLN 328,443, the market analysis said. The portfolio of home loans in repayment was worth PLN 517.8 billion last month (-0.6% m/m, -1.7% y/y), it also stated.
The value of Polish loans from loan companies increased by 18.2% y/y to PLN 836 million in November.
Loan companies granted a total of 316,500 new loans (+13.2% y/y) worth PLN 836 million (+18.2% y/y) in November 2022, the Credit Information Bureau (BIK) reported.
The average value of a new non-bank loan granted in November 2022 was PLN 2,329, up 1.2% y/y, it said.
In November 2022, compared to the same period last year, both in value and numerical terms, newly granted loans from all amount brackets recorded positive dynamics. The highest dynamics in numerical terms were recorded by loans in the range of PLN 1,000-2,000 (+14.9%) and in value terms by loans in the range of up to PLN 500 (+16.1%), it was announced.
In November 2022. 43.8% of the value of newly granted loans were granted by loan companies for amounts above PLN 5,000, which, however, in numerical terms, accounted for only 11.6% of granted loans. In numerical terms, loans up to PLN 1 thousand dominated, accounting for 43.6% of the number of financing granted. In value terms, loans for amounts up to PLN 1 thousand accounted for only 9.5% of sales, it was also reported.