PORR: Claude-Patrick Jeutter nominated as member of the Executive Board

31 August 2023

The Nomination Committee of the Supervisory Board today nominated Claude-Patrick Jeutter as a member of the Executive Board and COO of PORR AG from 01.01.2024. The corresponding resolutions are to be passed at the Supervisory Board meeting on 21.09.2023. Josef Pein will take his well-earned retirement at the turn of the year and resign from his position as member of the Executive Board with effect from 31.12.2023.

“With this step, we are ensuring an orderly succession in PORR’s top management body,” explains CEO Karl-Heinz Strauss. “I would like to thank Josef Pein for his decades of commitment and enormous expertise with which he has managed our operating business in Austria, Switzerland and Romania. I am pleased to now fill the Executive Board position internally with the experienced and technically skilled top manager
Claude-Patrick Jeutter.”

As a member of the Executive Board of PORR AG, Stuttgart-born Jeutter will be responsible for the operating segment Germany as well as Romania. “I am already looking forward to this exciting task and to making my contribution to PORR’s continued success in these markets,” says Jeutter. Following the departure of Josef Pein, the AT / CH segment will be the responsibility of CEO Karl-Heinz Strauss.

Growth in infrastructure projects

Only this week, PORR was able to report a considerable increase of +25% in new orders in the first half of 2023 as well as further growth in the order backlog and in production output. Claude-Patrick Jeutter now has a lot to look forward to: In Germany in particular, PORR expects a significant increase in infrastructure tenders in railroad construction, tunnel construction and also in projects for the energy transition. In Romania, too, PORR’s order books are already filled with infrastructure projects for the next two to three years.

Claude-Patrick Jeutter (54) graduated from the University of Stuttgart with a degree in civil engineering in 1995. He began his career with Müller-Altvatter GmbH & Co. KG, Stuttgart. Until 2019, he held management and board positions at various construction companies in Germany. Since 2019, he has held a management position for the PORR Group and is currently responsible for PORR’s Germany division as a member of the Executive Board of PORR Management GmbH.

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