PPL forecast over 20 million passengers at Warsaw Chopin Airport in 2024

2 May 2024

Polskie Porty Lotnicze (PPL) is projecting that Chopin Airport will handle 20 million passengers in 2024 for the first time in its history, the company said. PPL is working on a detailed programme to implement the modernisation of Mazovia’s airports, which will enable it to handle nearly 40 million passengers a year.

Chopin Airport checks in 45,000-50,000 passengers per day (in peak season – almost 70,000). According to forecasts, in 2024 it will check in more than 20 million passengers, about 10 per cent more than last year. This means that, for the first time in its 90-year history, it will exceed the barrier of 20 million people checked in in 12 months, reads the management presentation dedicated to the 90th anniversary of the capital’s Chopin Airport.

In addition, it was reported that PPL is working on a detailed programme to implement the modernisation of the Mazovian airports, which will enable it to handle nearly 40 million passengers a year.

‘We will increase the number of gates in the Schengen area, which will be possible after the extension of the south jetty towards the former Etiuda terminal. We will increase the number of gates in the non-Schengen area. We will adapt a larger number of contact stands, i.e. sleeves, to handle E-code aircraft. The north jetty, where the non-Schengen area is currently located, will be rebuilt. The number of gates will be increased and the parking stands will be adapted so that larger aircraft, such as B777s and B787s, can use them. A new sorting processor will be added to handle passenger luggage, listed in the presentation.

A new apron is planned to accommodate up to six C-code aircraft. Design documentation is being completed so that a tender can be launched in the near future, it was also stated.

It is planned to purchase new equipment for scanning passengers’ hand luggage. Such a change will significantly improve the capacity of the security checkpoints – PPL tested such a solution in 2023. The reconstruction of apron 5B is underway. Thanks to the modernisation, so-called ‘through’ stands will appear, which will be adjusted to various C-code aircraft (A320, B737). According to analyses, there is currently no need to increase environmental limits. According to PPL’s calculations, the investments would end in 2029, and their full depreciation would occur in 2035, when an additional profit of 900 thousand PLN would be generated, it was announced.

According to the assessment of PPL’s experts, 2035 is a realistic date when CPK could become operational, the presentation also stated.

The previously given date of 2028 was wishful thinking and, on top of that, disastrous for Mazovian airports. The modernisation of Chopin Airport will also be an opportunity for the development of traditional carriers, including PLL LOT, the information noted.

Source: PLL and ISBnews
Photo: RPMG

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